Fitness Testing
However, there are a number of tests you can do outside of the lab that provide a lot of useful information.
Due To Aptitude Test
Highlight strengths and weaknesses that in turn affect training programs.Evaluate a training program to see if it is helping the athlete achieve established goals.
Measure fitness level after injury, illness or season
help set goals.
Determining health status (in the non-athletic population)
Talent recognition
Help inspire
Aptitude Test Principles
For fitness testing to be accurate and useful, you must follow several fitness testing basics:Specialty
A fitness test should assess a person's physical condition for the activity or sport. For example, it makes no sense to use a running endurance test to assess an athlete's improved endurance on a bicycle.Validity
Fitness tests should measure the fitness component they should be. For example, when doing the sit-and-reach test, are you only measuring hamstring flexibility? Or you are arching your back too much, as a result, you are partially measuring back flexibility.Objectivity
Sometimes also known as inter-observer reliability. An objective test will produce the same result for the same person, regardless of the examiner or technician administering the test.Reliability
A reliable test produces the same result when repeated. For example, an examiner trained in skinfold measurement will produce the same results when the same area is reexamined shortly.Factors That Affect Fitness Testing
Aptitude tests are subject to a large number of internal and external variables that can affect the test result. When doing a repeat test it is important to make sure that the conditions are exactly the same as in the previous test, try to limit as many variables as possible.Time of day
Weather situation
Environment (surface/noise/presence of other people)
A separate appraiser
Measurement accuracy
Test protocol not followed exactly as before
Time after athlete's last meal
Hydration status
Athlete health (recent cold/illness)
Athlete who can
take medication